
Big Girl Ruby

Tonight, Ruby is sleeping in a "big girl" bed for the first time. She is actually on the top bunk in Rae's room, while Rae is out of town. We chose the top bunk because it has tall gates all along the side of it (so I'm not worried about her falling out), and she doesn't climb down by herself yet. She was very excited and I haven't heard a peep out of her since I put her down.

Then tomorrow, she and I are beginning potty training. I decided to wait a lot longer with her than I did with Rae since starting early backfired so badly last time. She is showing every sign of readiness, and I've put it off as long as I possibly can.

The truth is I'm very nervous and scared to start because we did have such a poor experience potty training Rae. I'm going to do things very differently this time, and I just hope and pray she catches on quickly. Please be praying for us! Tomorrow it will be just the two of us so we can really focus. Then I've cleared the calendar of everything from Mon-Thurs so we can stay home and practice, practice, practice. We won't be going anywhere or doing anything. So if anybody wants to come out and keep us company, consider yourself invited!

Look at this sweet face. In a month, she will no longer be my little baby. These two steps toward being a "big girl" are bittersweet.

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