
I believe the Bible

Today we hit a record high of 41 degrees in the Twin Cities (tied actually, but hey). There are cherry trees in full blossom in Brooklyn right now. It's crazy warm. And that's setting off all of the global warming people. I am not one of them.
Today I read something in Genesis 8:22:

"As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
day and night
will never cease."

I'd say from a Biblical standpoint, that pretty much blows global warming out of the water, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Yup! I have a favor to ask! could you change my full name to just "Lori" or "Lori's Lines" on your blog site? Thank you so much! That seems like a weird request, but I have some pretty good reasons why! Thanks!!

welch said...

I think it depends on what God means by never cease. Certainly there are times of drought and famine, we read about those in the Bible, so we can assume it doesn't mean everywhere, every year. And there are places on the earth where there are not seedtime and harvest (South-pole) So is this a guarantee that the earth will remain as we know it? I wouldn't think so.

Also, when God says, "as long as the earth endures," are there things we can do to the earth that it won't endure? Is it possible that He has given us so much freedom that we actually have the freedom to destroy His creation?

If life is God's ultimate creation and gift and He has given us the ability to destroy that then I don't think it is unreasonable to think that we can destroy the rest of creation.

I'm really not arguing for or against global warming, you can look at the scientific research and come to your own conclusions, but I don't think this verse means you should ignore it.

The Charlebois said...

Lori - the change has been made!

Chad - Yes, I totally agree that we have a responsibility to take care of the Earth God has given us. I think if we don't take care of the Earth - if we just ignore it - we can really screw things up. I just don't think we're going to send the world into a state of perpetual warmness when God has promised it won't happen.

Chris Good said...

To me this is drawing a conclusion about something very specific like global warming, from something very general.

Scientists agree there will still be day, night, warm and cold.

I believe that we are called as followers of the one who created the world to be good stewards of it's resouces.

Some of the things that are recommended to combat global warming are still things we should be doing regardless.

Anonymous said...

I read this to my husband Jon (who has wise opinions on many things... ;) ) and he offered the suggestion that perhaps we are indeed suffereing from Global Warming. But if we are, is there really anything we can do about it since the earth has been warming and cooling in all its ages of existance? It can also be suggested that many of the climate changes have contributed to some of the catastrophic weather phenomena we've experienced in the last several decades. Could this not be the beginnings of Matthew 24:7-8? Maybe global warming and its fruit is part of the "birth pains." It's just a suggestion.

At any rate, I'm not too worried about it. I'm doing my best to be a good steward of those things God has given me charge over, including his creation. But I'm not going to live in fear or paranoia because scientists tell me I should.

Anonymous said...

I just watched "An Inconvenient Truth"-Al Gore's documentary on global warming-it was good but think you guys are all right--if true or not, there are still lots of things we can be doing to take care of this world. I was more intrigued by the title--check out my post about that...