

I took Israel in for a follow-up appointment today, and everything looked good! Her oxygen levels were at 98% and the doctor said her lungs sounded clear. He told me to continue the nebulizer treatments for now.
The only thing is that she has an ear infection in her OTHER ear now (the first one is gone). He gave us an antibiotic for that, so in Jesus' name we say she will be HEALED!

Here are some new cute pictures. I got her a pair of rubber boots so we could splash in the puddles this spring. Trouble is, they're a little big...and she can't really walk in them. But she loves to play with them!


Anonymous said...

That's GREAT news Audra! So happy to hear our little "Precious" is on the mend. And her little pink boots are da bomb!!! Gotta get me some:)

Love you-


Anonymous said...

Good! Can't wait to see her again! We miss you guys! =)