
Know Your Man

I have been re-reading an excellent book by Debi Pearl called "Created to be His Help Meet." As I read it, I'm reminded of the verse in Acts that says "they were not able to resist the wisdom & the spirit by which (s)he spoke." I can't resist the truth of what Debi Pearl has to say about women and their roles as wives -- IT'S SO GOOD!!!
One of the most interesting chapters in the book is Chapter 8. It talks about 3 different types of men in the world: Mr. Command Man, Mr. Visionary, and Mr. Steady. Knowing and understanding which one your man is (or what combination he may be) offers invaluable insight into what kind of woman he needs you to be.
The first time I read the book (when I was engaged), I thought JP was 100% Mr. Command Man. Now when I read it, I cannot decide between Mr. Command and Mr. Visionary. I have learned so much more about him in the last 2.5 years, and it changes who I need to be in order to be the best help meet possible for him.
The chapter is so good! If you can't read the whole book, at least read the chapter here!

If you like what you read, you can order the book here.


Meg Flaming said...

I am reading that book too! Aili gave it to me for my birthday, since she knew I was getting engaged. I am loving it! I feel like every chapter is so convicting in how I am supposed to act & react.

Anonymous said...

I laughed continuously as I read that chapter. Jon is 1000% Mr. Visionary. He doesn't even lapse into other categories. I also found it intriguing that many people say you "marry" your dad, meaning you are attracted to guys that have many of the same attributes as your dad. Except for the fact that both Jon and my dad are war veterans, they have nothing in common! My dad is just as much Mr. Steady as my Jon is Mr. Visionary! GOOD STUFF!