
Three Years

"I, Audra, according to the Word and will of God, submit myself to you, JP, as the church submits to Jesus. Today, I covenant with God and with you to be your wife, to be your helper, suited to you in everything. I will follow you as you follow the Lord, respecting you, bringing honor to you, and loving you. By God's word and by His Spirit, I vow to live by faith and pursue holiness, to minister grace and peace to our home, to comfort and encourage you, giving preference to your needs above my own, as unto the Lord."

Happy Anniversary, my love. Thank you with all my heart for three beautiful years of love, leadership, provision, and friendship. You are an amazing husband and father, and I will love you forever!


Anonymous said...

Awesome post Audra! I don't believe I had ever seen the first two pictures.

Wishing you love and much happiness always-


Erin said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you guys do something special!

The Petersons said...

You two are BY FAR one of the best looking couples I think I have ever met! (With some of the best wedding photo's ever!) Happy Anniversary Audra and JP! Love ya both!

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary! lots of love - priya

bruce said...

And your Dad wishes you a happy anniversary. 3 years have gone by so fast...
Blessings on all of you.
Love, Dad