
Victory for the unborn millions!

Today, the Supreme Court upheld a ruling that bans partial-birth abortions in the United States. All I can say is HALLELUJAH, and THANK YOU JESUS for the lives that will be saved by this ruling.
For those of you who are not familiar with the procedure, basically the baby is born breech (feet first) until all but the head comes out. Then the doctor jams scissors into the baby's head at the nape of the neck and inserts a suction catheter. Then the abortionist sucks out the kicking, living baby's brains, causing the skull to collapse, killing the baby. The body goes limp. The doctor delivers the head. The baby is discarded. This is sickening. And it was being performed through all nine months of pregnancy.
You can read more about the decision here.
I was pretty appalled at CNN's twist on the story in their article. C'mon people, can the bias be any more deliberate?
You can look at the full ban yourself here.
And learn more about the procedure here.


Anonymous said...

I agree with your praises,however feel you are to graphic.....

Anonymous said...

I read CNN's editorial, I mean, article. Talk about inflamatory language! Can't wait to bring this to the WOV table!

Grant said...

Sketch, just talked to a Pro-choice coalition lady on campus about Bush's quote in the article and she took it totally out of context. I double-checked thanks to your blog post and link. It's amazing how people are losing sleep over something so fundamental and basic. Yo, anonymous above, get some guts and put your name, then you can have a dialog.

Jennifer said...

Too Graphic? It is exactly what happens. I too share your Praises over this.