
The Twins Are Here!!!!!

I am VERY proud and excited to announce the arrival of our nephew and niece TWINS!

Vincent (Vinnie) King Bottolene was born at 1:26 pm weighing in at 6lbs, 10oz. His sister, Florence (Florie) James Bottolene was born two minutes later, a tiny 4lbs, 11oz.

Lisa was induced just before 8:00 am. Once she was fully dialated, she only pushed THREE TIMES before Vinnie came out, followed by little Florie! The babies spent the first few hours of their life in the NICU for monitoring, which is standard procedure.

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for the Bottolenes through the entire pregnancy, bed rest, and now the births. The miracle of TWO BABIES in one day is overwhelming. They are so cute and so tiny! Please keep the prayers coming as they head home and adjust to life as a family of five.

Here are some more pictures I snapped today -- enjoy the cuteness!



Both of them in the NICU

Proud daddy Scott with son Vincent

Florence gets worked up

Daddy knows how to calm her down


1 comment:

bruce said...

Nice. And can you say "kinky" hair? Sweet looking little babies. They bring joy to anyone's heart.
Love, Dad